Population and Community Ecology


This unit provides advanced knowledge in population and community ecology.

Learning Objectives:

Theoretical learning outcomes:
• Knowledge of the structure and function of food webs (energy flows, topology, trophic cascades…).
• Knowledge of the patterns and effects of contaminant transfer through ecosystems.
• Mastering population genetic concepts.
• Acquiring basic concepts of biogeography, metapopulation and metacommunity.

Technical learning outcomes:
• Utilising the above-mentioned theoretical concepts and methods in order to answer a scientific question.


Basic knowledge in interactions between populations, in structure and dynamics of populations and communities, and biodemographic strategies, provided in Bachelor’s degree.

Teaching Methods:

Lectures, seminars, practicals.


Reports on the content of the sessions, and oral and written exams.

Recommended Reading:

  • Walker CH, Sibly RM, Hopkin SP, Peakall DB. 2012. Principles of Ecotoxicology. SRC Press. Boca Raton, USA.

Related Media:


Francis RAOUL, francis.raoul@univ-fcomte.fr