

UMR Chrono-Environnement: Interdisciplinary (life sciences, physics, health science, chemistry, human science, and mathematics) joint research center affiliated with the CNRS (National Institute of Sciences and Research) bringing together the necessary skills to respond to the challenges raised by the global resource management and biodiversity emergency, for sustainable development of human populations.

UMR Biogéosciences: Joint CNRS (National Institute of Sciences and Research) research center gathering together 5 research teams : Biome (Biodiversity emergence and maintenance), CRC (Climatology Research Center), éco évo (Ecology and Evolution), Samba (Structuring of aquatic communities and biomineralization) and Seds (Sedimentary systems, environments and dynamics).

Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) site Jurassian Arc: Large study area overseen by the CNRS (National Institute of Sciences and Research) fostering long term interdisciplinary research on environment and ecosystems, related to societal issues. The Jurassian Studies Area brings together partnership research involving 21 regional stakeholders (professional organisations, farmers, administrations, NGOs, etc.) on the interactions between environment, society and the dynamics of mid-mountain socio-ecological systems. The four main research themes are: ‘ecosystems and environment’, ‘contaminants and health’, ‘uses of a changing space’ and ‘observatories and modeling’, which echo and amplify the research priorities of Chrono-environnement, especially in their long-term goals (adaptive monitoring, data storage) and partnership (multidisciplinarity, intersectorality).

IRN-EHEDE: the International Research Network « Ecosystem Health and Environmental Disease Ecology » (EHEDE) has the objective of promoting exchanges and bringing better legibility to research in Eurasia linking ecosystem health and disease ecology. Research is based on the principles of EcoHealth and brings together world class researchers in a unique network of 9 member laboratories, 12 associated laboratories and related infrastructure belonging to 6 countries. Their research favours systems approaches and focuses mainly on human – wildlife conflicts such as transmission ecology of Echinococcus multilocularis, conservation of the Yunnan Snub-Nosed Monkey and wild Asian Elephant, etc.

Associative world:

National Botanic Conservatory of Franche-Comté – Regional Observatory of Invertebrates – CBNFC-ORI: Structure with 4 main responsibilities: Knowledge of the wild flora, natural habitats and entomofauna ; Conservation of the rare and/or endangered flora and entomofauna ; Expertise and technical support in its fields of competences (botany, entomology, malacology, phytosociology, bryology) ; Information and awareness-raising of the public and the public authorities.

Ligue de Protection de Oiseaux Franche-Comté – LPO-FC: Association working for birds, wildlife, nature, and human protection. Fighting biodiversity decline by knowledge, protection, education, and mobilization.

Naturalistic University Group of Franche-Comté – GNUFC: Association formed to share and develop the naturalist knowledge (through field trips, conferences, screenings, scientific monitoring and meetings with professionals) of the members of this group (students or teachers), and cooperate with local associative and professional stakeholders involved in the Nature and Environmental fields.

Conservatory of Natural Areas in Franche-Comté – CEN-FC: Association with the goal of preserving natural heritage through 5 key principles in close association with local stakeholders, other associations and municipalities/collectives : Know, Protect, Manage, Enhance and Support.

Jura Nature Environnement – JNE: Partnership representing the associative world of Environment protection in the Jura area, and acting for biodiversity preservation.

Public institutions:

National Nature Reserve of Remoray Lake: National nature reserve (430 hectares) located in the Haut-Doubs area, containing various natural habitats (lake, marshlands, peatlands, rivers, grasslands, forests, gravel quarry). Its main appeals are its altitude wetlands and avifauna.

Office Français de la biodiversité – OFB: Public institution carrying out support tasks in order to implement public policies in the fields of knowledge, preservation, management and restoration of biodiversity in aquatic, terrestrial and marine environments.

National Agency for Hunting and Wildlife – ONCFS: Public institution acting for safeguarding and sustainable management.of wildlife and associated habitats

Communauté de Communes Bresse Haute-Seille

Private companies:

CD Eau Environnement: Environmental consultants specialising in advice and diagnosis in water and environment.

ARTELIA: International multi-disciplinary consultancy, engineering and project management group specialising in the sectors of building construction, infrastructure, water, industry and environment.

Biomnigene: Private company providing quality genomic analyses to firms, associations and other organisations.