This module aims to develop students’ knowledge of environmental stakeholders in France and in Europe. They will also deepen their knowledge of the law and economy of the environment. This course is taught in French, but provisions can be made for those with a low French level.
Learning Objectives:
Theoretical learning outcomes:
• Knowledge of the origin and evolution of environmental law (sources and principles).
• Acquiring concepts of environmental law (land use planning, protection of nature and biodiversity, water law, energy transition, urbanisation, sampling…), animal law, and animal experimentation.
• Knowledge of different environmental stakeholders (central and decentralised administration of the environment, public and semi-public institutions, communities, natural parks, natural reserves, associations…).
• Understanding of the basics of economic reasoning (behavior of the producer and the consumer, monetarisation of nature) and economic analysis of pollution (cost-benefit-impact analysis, ERC).
• Knowledge of the main regulations concerning protected areas, natural environments, biodiversity and its current development.
Technical learning outcomes:
• Using environmental regulations and institutional guidelines.
• Understanding, interpreting and prioritising regulatory texts.
• Implementing guidelines and regulations from the government, communities and the European Union concerning natural lands protection and valuation.
• Mobilising local stakeholders and building a network of contacts, targeting the expertise of different institutions.
• Discussing with site managers (during a meeting) management plans: Natura 2000, regional natural reserves, classified sites and prefectorial order for protection of the biotope.
• Discussing with local professionals the enforcement of the existing regulation (OFB (French Agency for Biodiversity), PNR (Regional Natural Parks), FNE (“France Nature Environnement”, national federation of environmental and natural protection associations), city of Besançon).
Teaching Methods:
Lectures, seminars
Reports on the content of the sessions, oral and written exams.
Recommended Reading:
- Malingrey P. 2016. Droit de l’environnement : comprendre et appliquer la réglementation. Editions Tec & Doc Lavoisier.
Related Media:
- Erin Brockovich, seule contre tous, 2000, de Steven Soderbergh.