Internship M1


This teaching unit comprises a project with a professional research organisation (research department, private company, engineering office, environmental association…) and the carrying out of studies in the environmental field (diagnosis, conservation, management…). This internship lasts from 2 to 3 months.

Learning Objectives:

Theoretical learning outcomes:
• Developing in-depth knowledge specific to the internship subject (environmental issues and concepts) and to the hosting structure (socio-economic environment).

Technical learning outcomes:
• Integrating into a professional structure.
• Acquiring technical and methodological skills specific to the project assigned to the intern.
• Applying the know-how and soft skills developed during the previous months and years.
• Confronting the reality of the demands of the professional world.
• Refining career goals and/or direction for Master 2.
• Writing a report and carrying out an oral presentation.


Concepts and tools from the Job Prospect Techniques module.


At the end of the internship, students provide a written report and perform an oral defense. The students can perform their defense in French or in English, but the slide presentation has to be prepared in English.

Recommended Reading:

Guide des stages étudiants. 2018. Ministère de l’enseignement supérieur, de la recherche et de l’innovation.

Related Media:

L’auberge espagnole, 2002, de Cédric Klapisch.


Frédéric GIMBERT,