Seminar by Denis Bourguet

Seminar by Denis Bourguet

Seminar by Denis Bourguet

« Peer Community in: a free public system for peer-reviewing and highlighting preprints » Denis Bourguet, Friday, January 18th 2019 at 2:30pm,  Monge room In order to offer an alternative to the current system of publication – which is particularly expensive and not...
PhD defense of Chloé Laubu

PhD defense of Chloé Laubu

« Émotions et personnalité: au cœur des décisions chez un poisson monogame » Chloé Laubu Wednesday, December 19th 2018 at 2pm, Monge room. (in French) . . Résumé : Au cours de leur vie, les animaux doivent sans cesse prendre des décisions qui impactent leur survie et...
Seminar by Audrey Dussutour

Seminar by Audrey Dussutour

« Habituation in non neural organisms, evidence from slime molds » Audrey Dussutour – Tuesday, December 18th 2018 at 4pm, Monge room Learning, defined as a change in behavior evoked by experience, has hitherto been investigated almost exclusively in multicellular...
Seminar by Chris Carbone

Seminar by Chris Carbone

« From macroecology to on the ground monitoring: understanding population patterns and processes » Chris Carbone (Dr) – Institute of Zoology, London – Friday November 9th 2018 at 11am, Monge room   Abundance is one of the most important metrics we use to...
Seminar by Vincent Debat

Seminar by Vincent Debat

« Evolution des formes et des couleurs chez les papillons Morpho » Vincent Debat – Institut de Systématique, Évolution, Biodiversité, UMR 7205, MNHN-CNRS-Sorbonne Université-EPHE – Friday November 23rd 2018 at 11am, amphi Monge (in French) . . Les Morphos...